Saturday, July 14, 2012

Last of Chapter 3

My Mom and I both grabbed a snack and sat at the table. I told her everything and she was especially psyched about Callosus.

"So what does he look like?"

I blushed and said, "Well he has dark shaggy hair gray eyes and a charming smile."

She giggled, "I think someone has a crush." she poked me in the arm.I couldn't stop blushing.

"Moooom!' I wined.

"Well Sweetie just saying facts." she giggled again.

"I'm gonna do my homework, okay?" I tried thinking of an excuse so I wouldn't have to listen to my mom teasing me.

"Okay, but NO trouble you know we've had this talk many times because we new this day would come when you would finally like a guy that you'd want to date."

I hurried down the hall to my room and her voice started to fade. I closed the door behind me and blew the falling hair out of my eyes. I didn't have that much homework, I never really did because I did most of it in extra work time at school. Anyway tomorrow is Friday so I don't have to work, ya!

Friday, July 6, 2012

First Part of Chapter 3

Screams of children blasted my ear when I walked through the YMCA entrance. I scanned my card and walked to the locker rooms. I quickly undressed and slipped on my one piece YMCA uniform bathing suit, then slide on my whistle. I could see my mom throwing a toy back into the pool to a young boy and smile.

"Hey Mom!" I wave and trot over to her. A look of relief is planted on her face and she smiles back.

"Hello Sweetie, how was school?"

"Very interesting, I'll tell you later."

I take second shift till 6:30, help clean up, and then go home with my mom. Luckily I have Fridays off, which is a relax day with my mom. Because on Saturdays and Sundays we clean, do any repairs, and and go appliance shopping.

Work went by so slowly because I was excited to tell mom everything that had happened at school. I jumped  into the pool and gathered the floating deserted toys. After cleaning up trash and putting pool toys away I quickly rinsed off in the showers and changed. Then locked everything up and hopped in the car with my mom.

The ride was silent until we turned onto our block.

"Okay sweetie when we get inside and settled you can tell me everything. Does that sound good?"

"Yup, I'm so exhausted, " I sighed.

"Well the day isn't over yet, there is still stuff to do." She adds while we pull into our driveway.